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Posts Tagged ‘60s

Australian Lassie

December 22, 2009

Apparently there was a show in the 60s in Australia about a boy and his intelligent pet kangaroo. I’ve only seen this intro above and it satisfies me on so many levels: #1 – intelligent kangaroo, can’t be beat #2 – animal playing musical instruments – a dream of mine #3 – cheesy 60s theme […]

Fire for 40+ Years

July 30, 2009

Palladium Boots has some interesting videos up on their site, exploring abandoned, lost places. This video follows Daniel Jackson to Centralia, PA where a coal fire has been burning since the early 60s. The fire forced the town to shut down, and it could burn for another 200+ years. It is kind of like hell […]

Batman v. Joker – Surf’s Up!

June 25, 2009

The 1960s Batman was ridiculous, though I do remember loving it as a kid. This video leaves me with many questions: Why are Batman and the Joker wearing bathing suits over their costumes? Why does Batman label all of his gadgets and inventions? Why aren’t they fighting? What is in the trash can?